Monday, December 31, 2012


clearly, i'm not as cut out to be a blogger as i once thought i was, considering its been since march that i've even logged into this thing. i don't know about y'all, but i just don't have a ton to say. and what i do  "need" to say, i can usually sum up into 140 characters or less. if its more than that, i can usually cut it down to a succinct facebook post. however, now as the year is ending, my head is swimming with an inappropriate number of deep thoughts for my twitter and facebook accounts. (i sort of pride myself on keeping things light and comedic on social media. no one wants a debbie downer filling their feeds, you know? though i will admit, i have been whiney and complain-y the last few months. but hopefully with a bitting sarcastic overtone that covers the whines.)

with that being said, when i think about 2012, i dont think about specific memories. lets be honest, most of my year kind of led up to one major life event. and all of the things surrounding august 11 make me a little teary eyed. i think the rascal flatts' song "here" perfectly summarizes the emotional rollercoster that i felt this last year to be. this year has definitely been all about love. so many people love marty and i, and as trite as it sounds, we are truly blessed to be so surrounded by encouraging and loving people who take care of us and help us pursue the best things in life. i went to FIVE bridal showers/parties in our honor. and we invited almost 800 people to our wedding, of which almost 350 attended. thats a big deal.

however, dont read this and think that i look back at this year and only see butterflies and roses, because i dont at all. this has been one of the most challenging and difficult years of my life. it has just seemed like nothing has gone right at all. i started my attempt at blogging because my life was going in a 10000% unplanned direction, so i guess this year was just par for the course. but, when i look back at this last year-the friends i have, the marriage i have, the job i have-all of it, i can honestly say today, on the last day of the year, that i am happy. had my life gone a different direction a year or two ago, i wouldnt have all of the things (people/friendships) that i value most. and thats how you measure wealth, right?

bring it on 2013. i think i'm ready to take you on.

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