Saturday, March 29, 2014

name change.

when i started this blog 2ish years ago, i came up with the (incredibly cheesy) title "letting the journey begin" because at that point i was letting go of all of the post college plans i had for myself and embracing uncertainty and essentially unemployment. up until that moment, i couldn't see past "the plan" long enough to think that maybe there was something else out there for me besides children's ministry via seminary.

well now a couple of years later i'm married and have a job that i never really thought existed, let alone thought was within the realm of possibility for me to have. and honestly, i think back to when i started this thing and want to punch myself a little. letting the journey begin? really becca? could you BE anymore righteous? yes i was taking a step in the right direction of "letting go", but if you have known me for more than .5 seconds, you know that i can't let go of anything nor was i actually letting go at that point. my letting go mainly came from the fear of student loans (which i'm proud to say i still don't have).

it also isn't a coincidence that this blog name change comes in the weeks after first reading this. this article has really gotten into my brain and changed the way that i look at a lot. there have been several points in my life where i felt like if i didn't use #blessed to describe a situation or an outcome, then i was a crappy christian. (christians are really great with the peer pressure aren't they?) so in an attempt to rid my brain of christian peer pressure and buzzwords, i decided to make my blog slightly more real. i really enjoy writing, but i don't always want to write about the "heavy" stuff, and i felt like the old blog name didn't really leave a ton of room for fun…which leads me to the new name.

i've been agonizing over changing the name of my blog for a very long time. finally, i sat down at my computer two days ago and forced myself to do it. i picked up my phone and started browsing my music library and within 2 seconds came across one of my favorite songs from the musical, "wicked." if you don't know anything about wicked, then i'm sorry you're not living your life correctly (just kidding. mostly). without going into too much detail and turning this post into a summary of the best musical to ever exist, i'll just say this: elphaba is very unique and though her new friend glinda has just spent the last 5 minutes prancing around and celebrating how she's going to make elphaba popular, elphaba realizes she will never fit the mold of "that girl" and like any good musical she then sings a song about it. though i don't have green skin, i have always thought of myself as an elphaba, and very anti "that girl."
i don't know how to take a selfie.
i don't/dont know how to accessorize.
i hate washing my hair and putting on makeup.
i don't gush over my husband on social media.
i don't hashtag everything…or anything at all for that matter.
those are just the examples that pop into my mind first. and i'm not saying there is anything wrong with girls who do any or all of these things, i'm just pointing out the obvious that i am very much not like that. i never have been and i never will be. (most people would put #sorrynotsorry right there. and i'm not going to do that. because i'm not that girl. get it?)

so there you have it. hopefully this is the first step in accomplishing some of the things on this list.
(yes, its practically april and i haven't really made a dent in any of these things. whoops.)

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