Monday, January 6, 2014

new year, new me. NOT.

i've always been really bad at new years resolutions for the same reason i'm bad at giving things up for lent. my brain always sets out to do the opposite of what i set out to do. so therefore, i stopped attempting resolutions a long long time ago.

however, 2013 was overall a kind of terrible year. so now that we're in the first few weeks of a new calendar year, i decided i should document some of the things i would like to do at least consider doing this year. you know, a proactive approach to make this year different than last. maybe none of these things will happen, but hey. its the thought that counts right?

1. blogging.
yes, i'm aware that this post is occurring on a blog. but when i say i want to blog this year, i mean i want to blog actual content on an actual platform that isn't my favorite part of each day is perusing my favorite blogs. i mostly follow fashion blogs--i love fashion, even though my daily wardrobe may not give you that impression. i also love getting good clothing for cheap. i kinda sorta pride myself on it. so that being said, i would like to have some sort of blog cataloging my clothing and deals. even if i'm the only one who reads it, it would be nice to have all of that information in one place. for no other reason than i rarely outfit repeat. which brings me to number 2..

2. confidence.
as i stated above, i have this weird thing where i refuse to outfit repeat. and when i say i don't outfit repeat, i don't outfit repeat within situations. i may wear the same outfit twice, but never to the same place or around the same people. and this outfit repeating thing is a small part of my overarching confidence issue. i'm a big big dork. and i'm very shy in new situations for much longer than i should be at this point in my life. this needs to be corrected. like, within the next week corrected considering i'm starting a new job a week from tomorrow. i need to realize and decide that the things i think "everyone" care about aren't actually even remotely close to what people care about. i think i'm the only one that cares to the extent i do about what i wear (and how often), what my makeup looks like, and the level of grease in my hair. and if more people care about those things than i know about, please let me know so i can cease working on getting over those things.

3. friendship.
this weird thing happens in your 20s: you get really lazy with your friendships. or maybe i just did. and i hate it. it wasn't something i did on purpose, but life just kind of takes over you know? i have some really great friends. i talk about it often. i could sit here and list them all of but that would take far too long. my point is, in a dream world, i could just fill all of my days with hanging out with my friends. sadly, work and jobs get in the way. so i really want to gear my mind to be more intentional with my friends. more skype and facetime. more dinner and coffee. more happy hours. more ice cream. more walks and hikes. more girl trips. more group trips. more playdates. whatever it takes to be more intentional with people. when the beatles sang "i get by with a little help from my friends," they weren't joking. i need my friends. my life is better when i get to spend time and invest in them. so if you're my friend and you don't have time for me to be intentional in our friendship, just stop talking to me and i'll get the picture…

4. marriage.
i won't go into too much detail here because well, its my marriage and not y'alls. but i will say, i want to be more intentional in my marriage as well. be a better listener, stop caring about trivial things, laugh more, etc. i'm thankful i have marty as my husband. i'm willing to bet money that up until this point he's read this post and has been brainstorming ways to help me and support me in doing these things i want to do. you're a sweet man, martin.

5. stop treating scandal like its real life.
thats actually a joke. i just needed a number 5 for my borderline OCD. #olitzforever.

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